Managing workplace conflict

 Managing workplace conflict

Figure 1 :Work place conflict (Dave,2021).

When people with various backgrounds and goals work together, conflict may happen in any
company. A variety of behaviors, including insults, resistance to collaboration, bullying, and
rage, can be used to show conflict. Personality conflicts, poorly understood communication, and
poor organizational management are all potential reasons. Conflict at work may have a negative
impact on productivity, the failure of projects, absenteeism, turnover, and termination. Conflict
in the workplace may be both a cause and a result of emotional stress. Although most people
believe that conflict in the workplace is bad, some conflict is actually healthy and normal. In
fact, many people think it is crucial to organizational success. Teams that feel comfortable
discussing differences among themselves perform best. Dissent may stimulate creativity, variety
of thinking, and improved decision-making in an environment where it is accepted or even
encouraged (SHRM, 2023) .

Figure 2 : Sources of conflict in the workplace (Mediator Select,2018).

Most Common Conflicts in the Workplace

  •  Interdependence Conflicts
  •  Differences in Style
  •  Differences in Background/Gender
  •  Differences in Leadership
  •  Personality Clashes

Better communication and a willingness to compromise on the part of all parties involved can
usually resolve these common problems. However, occasionally these issues spiral out of control
and call for experts to sort out the mess (Luca, 2019) .

Figure 3 : Workplace conflict examples(AIHR,N.D.).

Strategies for Resolving Conflict in the Workplace

  • Clarify what is the source of conflict
Clarifying the root of a disagreement is the first step towards its resolution. Understanding the
conflict's root causes can help you comprehend how the issue came to be in the first place. In
addition, the disagreement's nature will be clear to both sides. We need to talk about the
unfulfilled requirements of both questions in order to achieve this. Mutual understanding should
also be guaranteed. Make sure to learn as much as you can about each party's viewpoint. Ask
questions until you are certain that all parties involved in the argument comprehend the situation.

  • Find a safe and private place to talk
Finding a secure setting to chat in is necessary for productive conversations. Being in this
position also makes it possible to take the required risks for an open discussion of current
problems. Find a safe and private place to talk before attempting to solve any problems. Do not
pick either party's office or a place close to it. While you are at it, make sure that each side has
ample time to present their arguments.

  •  Listen actively and let everyone have his or her say
After arranging a safe and private meeting for the two parties, give them each the chance to
express their opinions on the matter at hand. Without favoring one side over the other, give each
party an equal amount of time to voice their opinions. While in the meeting, adopt a confident
and assertive demeanor. Set boundaries as required. By adopting this strategy, it will be easier
for both sides to express their ideas honestly and openly, understand the root causes of the
problem, and find workable solutions.

  •  Investigate the situation
Spend some time investigating the situation after hearing the parties' worries. Do not make a
judgment based only on the information you know or form a definitive conclusion. Research the
situation in further detail to learn more about the events, parties involved, problems, and
reactions. Engage in frank and assured dialogue with the parties concerned, and pay close
attention to what they say to be sure you understand it. To achieve this, you should summarize
their comments and then repeat them to them. Search for any hidden conflict sources that might
not be obvious or detectable right away.

  •  Determine ways to meet the common goal
Managing conflict processes requires having a shared goal of resolving the dispute and
preventing its recurrence. Additionally, understanding the various stages of conflict is necessary
in order to solve any problem. You will be able to find the best solutions to achieve the shared
objective thanks to this. You must sit down with both sides and discuss the common actions you
can take to achieve the shared objective, which is managing and resolving the current issue, after
identifying the conflict's root cause, speaking with each party, and conducting an investigation.
Until all possibilities have been explored, listen, talk, and collaborate.

  •  Agree on the best solution and determine the responsibilities each party has in the resolution
The communication leap model for handling and resolving conflict Being aware of their shared
objective—achieving the goals of the company—employees will find it simple to communicate
with one another. In light of this, all sides must come to a consensus on the best course of action
after evaluating the situation and identifying potential solutions. You must also decide which
alternatives each side may accept in order to reach an agreement on the best course of action.
Find common ground. Next, decide who is responsible for what in terms of resolving the conflict
for each party. Furthermore, it is essential to seize this opportunity to determine the underlying
cause and make sure that the problem will not occur again.

  •  Evaluate how things are going and decide preventative strategies for the future
Never assume a problem is unsolvable. Business should be dominated by effective
communication. Therefore, consider the question, "What is the second step of effective
communication?" Knowing this will enable you to make sure that everyone is collaborating to
achieve the organization's objectives. In order to determine whether the remedy is successful,
continue monitoring the problem. Take the required steps if the problem reappears (HR Cloud,
2021) .


Conflict is a common and natural part of every job, but it may also cause concerns with mental
health and absenteeism as well as lost productivity. However, conflict can also be a catalyst for
innovation, new ideas, greater adaptability, and a deeper understanding of interpersonal
relationships. However, in order to help organizations succeed, conflict needs to be effectively


Dave (2021) ATD:8 Essential Tips to Resolve conflict in the Workplace [Online] Available at 03 May 2023).
MediatorSelect (2018) :How to Solve problems in the Work Place : What causes conflict in the work place [online] Available at [accessed 03 May 2023].
AIHR (N.D.) : Functional Conflict : Examples of work place conflict [online]
HR Cloud, 2021. HR Cloud. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 May 2023].
Luca, R. d., ]2019]. Bamboo HR. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 May 2023].
SHRM,[ 2023]. SHRM. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2 May 2023].

Thank you and appreciate your comments.

D.M Nilushi Thushantha Dayarathna.


  1. its an important topic to discuss to avoid any disputes in the work place!

  2. Always better to make precausions in prior to any conflicts happen in organisations. You well said of this point and usefull facts. Thank you for sharing your knowlewdge.


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