Figure 1 : Effective people management

Effective people management skills are very important for each and every businesses. They support executive to build a productive and effective team, identify and address problems early on, and inspire the staff members. People management skills are very important to all the work places. Team leaders and managers should create a positive work environment for the employees. After those kind of effective conversations able to build a productive and effective work place. People management skills include such as manage complicated situations, provide best solutions with transparency. They should be model for entire staff.
As a management they should offer employees some benefits and advantages to engage them with positive manner in the work place. it should be flexible and wellbeing about all the employees with multiple topics. We ensure that companies with a multiple workforce can still have a harmonized Employee value position (EVP) and culture, and keep each employee happy , healthy and motivated.
On the other hand, good managers support their staff to grow up professionally in the company and they make comfortable and easy environment to work. In the true sense of the word it calls effective people management. Not only that, If superiors are not doing accurately ,It can go wrong such as low productivity and disappointment of the staff. In that case each and every managers or team leaders should be more eager to create a strong team and should take out the best from the employees. Most people learn by doing the same thing continuously by them selves. And also, There are many ways to handle people with effective management. as an example shadowing more experienced manager and taking some  extra work and responsibilities training programs and workshops. However, most effective way to develop people management skills is through hand on experience (Lockhart,2023)


1.Know the strengths of your people

from the very first managers should aware the strength and weaknesses of their staff. They can provide guidance based on their strengths and put them in a position where they can easily best succeed.

for example if you have a team member who suggest new inspirational and positive suggestions ,mangers may give them more creative freedom. At the same time if you have another staff who is giving new ideas but struggles with execution ,you may support accurate guidance and more support. Not only that, If you have a team member who follows rules and regulations and complete the task on time you may task them with more detailed work and responsibilities.

When managers understand every employees strength and weaknesses ,They can provide better solutions correct guidance and effective team building in each and every circumstance.

2.Understand people ways of working.

The employees not work same way. Managers should understand that everyone is different and that what works for someone may not work the same way. Then, Managers should manage them differently and different way.

as a example some people need minimum supervision to do their task well and also others need oversight and directions. on the other hand, some staff need deadline to stay focused while others work best with more flexible timeline (Pex, 2023) .

As a manager ,you need to know what makes your team members motivated and inspired. look at the following vedio for more information.


Figure 2 : Understand people ways of working

3.Don't micro-manage

give your staff to space for breath and set clear goals to fulfill .respect their freedom as a good leader .It creates  effective management with trust and efficiency. don't address them in front of other employees. address them individually. don't critique every mistake they do. If you do that it makes unsatisfied them with their job. make them feel that you trust their abilities and they can work individually without supervising everything. It makes them more confident.

4.Delegate wisely

As a manager or Team Leader you can't do your all work individually. definitely you need your team members support. However , do it very wisely. You can assign a  task to your employees .but whenever they need you ,you should be available. make sure that you gave the right task for right person.
When you delegate the accurate way, you can focus on your other important responsibilities while knowing that all the work is under control. Your team members will appreciate you sharing your responsibilities with them and genuinely feel empowered (Pex, 2023) .

Figure 3 : Managing people in the work place

5.Seek feedback often and openly

Managers need feedback whether it's positive or negative to grow up.so, always  search feedbacks although difficult to know your mistakes  as  a manager.

Always discuss with them to tell you things positive or negative impact on them.

6.Recognize when you need help

Good managers admit when they don't know something.as a manager you cannot know everything .In fact, It is impossible to know everything. when you admit that you don't know something ,It opens up the door for your team members to share their knowledge and expertise.

It will help build trust and show your team that you are approachable and willing to learn. managing people effectively is kind of  ongoing procedure that takes some time and practice.

7.Be decisive

Always let your team know what you really expect from them and make it clear that there is a specific protocol or process in place that you must be followed.

It will help reduce confusion and ensure everyone is on the same page. It will help them to stay organized and track.

8.Understand your triggers and quirks

One of the best effective people management is to be aware of your triggers and quirks. For as a simple example If you get irritated someone is constantly  late, kindly ask that person to be early. similarly If someone is arguing with you for something , It is best step away and cool down rather than arguing with them. My point of view, by knowing your triggers and quirks .you can better manage your reactions and interactions with your employees. Effectiveness is coming with experience and understanding all the qualities and weaknesses.

9.Be honest with your employees

It can be tough to deliver bad news, however one of your responsibilities as a manager is to be honest with their performance. It can be difficult to tell someone that they need to be improve, but it is mandatory.
Being honest with your employees shows that you trust them and are them invested on their success,
It also helps to build a culture of transparency and  effective communication within your team.

10.Handle difficult conversations.

It's part of the managing job is handling difficult conversations with the employees. you can't avoid that in any circumstances. However, you can learn how to do it effectively manage the employees. start by setting clear expectations and providing regular feedback.
Focus on the issue at hand and don't be emotional or personal feelings. If you lose your focus ,It will be difficult to resolve the issue. Even if its not either you wanted, agree on something  that both parties feel fair.
Finally, always follow up after the conversation to make sure there are changes in actions or behavior .The conversation may be difficult, but never forget that you are dealing with another person.
This means being respectful ,listing carefully and responding thoughtfully.

11.Be assertive

Be assertive but not aggressive. You can make your needs known while respecting the rights and needs of others. when you communicate with people aggressively , it can quickly lead to misunderstanding and conflict. If you have to deal with someone aggressive ,try to stay calm and firm in your stance.
Be clear and concise in your communication, and avoid raising your voice or arguing with your employees,

12.Listen carefully

Managers simply talk and don't listen what the employees suggestions. It can lead to miscommunication and frustration on the part of employees.

good managers listen attentively and tries to understand what are the suggestions of employees ,So do not just talk ,listen carefully.

Employees appreciate when their boss listens to them and tries to understand their point of view, It shows that you care about them and want to work as a effective team. working together with employees towards a common effective goal.

13.Communicate emphatically 

It is very important to communicate with your employees every day. encourage a two ways dialogue where they feel comfortable coming to you with their concerns and issues, it makes close engagement with manager and employees, on the other hand, it will help you better manage them understand their needs and ensure that their productive and effective in their roles.

When everyone is on the same page ,It will be easier to manage a group cohesively. This fosters trust and respect among coworkers leading to more productive work environment.

14.Make yourself approachable

Managers should be always present to provide their support to employees.so , be visible, vigilant and accessible. Let people know that they can  come to you with any questions or concerns at any time.
and make yourself available for meetings and discussions.
Let your team know that you are always available to listen and help resolves any issues makes them feel appreciated and valued.

15.Managing people expectations

It is crucial to remember that everyone is different. What works one person may not work for another, or the expectations of the employees are different from one from the another. you do not want to set them up for disappointment by promises that you cannot keep. Be honest and upfront with your employees. let them understand what they can realistically hope to achieve from their jobs.
Effectively managing people is not easy and its kind of complicated task. However, when we manage with above 15 tips it will be kind of support and easy way to fulfill the dream as effective manager with effective people (Pex, 2023) .

Figure 4 : Managing people


managing people effectively means understanding their individual needs and desires and helping them to achieve their goals. people are unique, so their is no one size fits all approach to managing them effectively. Create a positive work environment where everyone feels supported and appreciated. and try to adapt your  management style to fit the situation and individual.


(Lockhart, . L., 2023). People Managing People. [Online]
Available at: https://peoplemanagingpeople.com/articles/what-is-people-management/
[Accessed 26 March 2023].
Pex, 2023. Pex. [Online]
Available at: https://opexmanagers.com/examples-of-managing-people/
[Accessed 26 March 2023].

Figure 1: Effective people management 1
Figure 2: Understand people ways of working 3
Figure 3: Managing people in the work place 4
Figure 4: Managing people 8          


  1. Hi Nilukshi,
    Wonderful concept and well ppinted out. According to me its a good one.
    Some comments as follows.
    1) Citations to be cited at the point of the particular point writing place. Not at the end.
    2) Would have been more nicer if you could name and cite the pictures too.
    3) I love the first photo a man being his world in the office environment. Cool.

  2. yes , really useful topic you've to grab with above as I feel understanding each person's unique wants as well as ambitions is essential to managing people successfully and assisting them in achieving their objectives proactively. As each person is different, there is no one management strategy that works for everyone. Establish a supportive and appreciative workplace for all employees. and make an effort to modify your management approach to the issue and person.

    1. Thank you so much for your valuable comment.


  3. Good Content, easy to understand with the video. you need to put citation when you get stuff from other sources.

  4. Thanks for the post,keep sharing

  5. Hi Nilushi
    This is an important topic in today's context. Simply explained how people can be managed effectively.

  6. nice post... everyone should be heard in an organization and people management plays an effective role in doing so and makes you feel important... rightly said communication with plays a significant role here

  7. Hi Nilushi,It is a Nice post.Thank you for sharing the knowledge


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