
Showing posts from May, 2023

Managing workplace conflict

 Managing workplace conflict Figure 1 :Work place conflict (Dave,2021). When people with various backgrounds and goals work together, conflict may happen in any company. A variety of behaviors, including insults, resistance to collaboration, bullying, and rage, can be used to show conflict. Personality conflicts, poorly understood communication, and poor organizational management are all potential reasons. Conflict at work may have a negative impact on productivity, the failure of projects, absenteeism, turnover, and termination. Conflict in the workplace may be both a cause and a result of emotional stress. Although most people believe that conflict in the workplace is bad, some conflict is actually healthy and normal. In fact, many people think it is crucial to organizational success. Teams that feel comfortable discussing differences among themselves perform best. Dissent may stimulate creativity, variety of thinking, and improved decision-making in an environment where it is ac...

How is remote work changing the world of human resources?

 How is remote work changing the world of human resources? figure 1 remote work (big stock,2004). In the previous five years, remote work has grown by 44%, according to current data. In addition, many businesses have implemented some type of remote workspace since the COVID- 19 epidemic began. HR departments are faced with the issue of managing a dispersed workforce of remote workers, some of whom may be located across the nation, because of this significant expansion. Global HR departments now play a different game as a result of growing trends in remote employment. Companies still need to offer the same resources to employees, whether they work in an office or from home, despite these obstacles (Pacific Oaks , 2023) . HR’s Role in the World of the Remote Workforce  Facilitating Communication Frequent and continuous communication. Their advice for managers, such as to check in frequently, use video conferencing when practical, and be accessible, is also helpful for HR special...